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Monthly Archive for May, 2009

Dan said, “I have some bad news.”  Since he had only been up walking around for less than five minutes, and I wasn’t awake yet, I had no idea what could have happened in that amount of time. So, there are FIVE plant predators around here, one being the most voracious of all, namely a […]

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I have a theory…

Some might say it is a delusion instead, but it all remains to be seen.  We have plant predators here, and they come in a lot of shapes and sizes. Starting with the smallest, we have Pocket Gopher.  These attack plants from underneath.  Think the movie, “Tremors” and you have the right idea.  Next in […]

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Twenty Bags of Bark Later…

Twenty bags of bark fit into a Subaru Outback.  This is a little known fact.  Not sure anybody will care but there you go. We got home, had some lunch, and went to work.  First I spread out some landscaping ground cloth around the plants to the right of the front door.  No all the […]

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Mishkin has been catching some mice in the house this week, earning his bed and breakfast.  The last mouse he caught was still very much alive and active when we got up in the morning.  He was catching the mouse, going to the middle of the livingroom floor and releasing it, letting it get a […]

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Orenburg lace shawls are time consuming to knit, but once they are done they are worth the time spent.  It’s so hard to say which is better, a small project which gives instant gratification, or a large project which provides months of entertainment. This was phase one for the blocking process, which is the last […]

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Shelves – Oh Joy, Oh Rapture

Our pantry is now finished enough to be totally useful!  The floor trim is all installed in the pantry and the kitchen, with the exception of one side of the floor by the stairs in the lower pantry.  We haven’t figured out how we want to finish the stairs quite yet, and until we do […]

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We bought a new refrigerator and it was delivered today.  It’s a very energy efficient refrigerator, as far as refrigerators go, and it doesn’t have a freezer component since we have a chest freezer which is extremely efficient.  And it fit nicely into the space available in the upper pantry area.  There is enough room […]

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What *IS* making that sound??

Our early warning sound system told us of an early day visitor out by the garage.  I’m speaking of our macaw, who absolutely does not approve of bears.  She has a distinctive and extremely loud alarm call that she makes when there is a bear within eyesight; considering how good her eyesight is, this can […]

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Projects Progressing Nicely

Seeing visual progress on our various projects is really quite exciting.  The pantry sheetrock has been completed and tomorrow Dan will be painting the room with both the primer and the final coat of paint.  Wednesday we will get the flooring installed, and then we will get to have the fun of putting in all […]

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Returning in full force

The hummingbirds are making their full migratory return, and we are having hummingbird wars on the front porch. It is one the highlights of living here! Today started off with a bang, or should I say scream.  Terry woke us up with her full “It’s a bear! It’s a bear!” alarm call.  She scared the […]

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