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Monthly Archive for October, 2010

Grouse Wins

Yesterday a Ruffed Grouse appeared in the flower bed right next to the house.  There are some few remaining Serviceberries on the branches, and the grouse had his eye on them.  So I took a picture because they are such pretty birds and they make me laugh. Mishkin went over to the window to see […]

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Blue Grouse Visits

Today we had a Blue Grouse visiting our front yard (the Dusky Grouse sub species.)  Such a pretty bird! The pictures a little fuzzy because we were taking them through the front door glass.  We didn’t want to scare the little guy away. We see these birds every fall since we moved here, but not […]

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Office Remodeling

I read an interesting article online the other day, which gave me an Idea.  Usually, when I say I have an Idea, Dan has learned to run.  This time, though, he is safe. The Idea was on how to increase my daily exercise given that I mostly sit at a computer.  The article was about […]

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Fall Sunset

Last night saw the first of the really nice fall sunsets, helped, no doubt, by the slash burning which is occurring around the area. Next week the forecast is estimating snow showers in the mountains.  Ummmm that means us!  It won’t last, no doubt, but it does make getting snow tires higher on the priority […]

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Albino Red-tailed Hawk

We were sitting at our computers this morning, fiddling around with this, that, and the other, when a large white bird flew past the house heading north.  We don’t see gulls up here, and this was not an owl, though a Snowy Owl would be an absolutely wonderful bird to come visiting (we can wish!!).  […]

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Fifth Fall

This is our fifth fall up on the mountain, and the intense colors when they are at their peak still impresses us.     Behind the house the grove of aspen trees is in full fall colors.     These colors always make me feel like knitting something.     It almost makes me wish […]

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Fall Colors

It was one of those Indian Summer days.  Fall colors are starting and we finally did something we’ve been talking about doing since we moved here.  We went to the hillside across from our house and took pictures of our house from across the way. Near the top of the mountain, Larch trees are starting […]

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