Feed on

We bought a new refrigerator and it was delivered today.  It’s a very energy efficient refrigerator, as far as refrigerators go, and it doesn’t have a freezer component since we have a chest freezer which is extremely efficient.  And it fit nicely into the space available in the upper pantry area.  There is enough room on top for the dishrack to live when it isn’t being used.

Smallest wire rack with some things put away.

Smallest wire rack with some things put away.

Mishkin was very interested in opening the refrigerator door.  Fortunately for us, he’s just a hair too short to accomplish the task.

"When I get REAL big..."

"When I get REAL big..."

We still have a lot of things to do to finish this remodeling project, but it’s getting so much closer to completion.  The neatest thing is we have our kitchen back now and floors that can be cleaned.  It’s the little things in life!

It was snowing today, this morning, mixed with rain.  The sun hasn’t come out once but the clouds got thin enough that the sun was still able to fully charge the batteries from solar panels.  The aspens are starting to get leaves, and the other bushes like Serviceberry, Choke Cherry, Snowberry, Wild Roses, to name a few, are also leafing out.  The hills have a green color now instead of white.  The hilltops do have fresh snow on them, from what we can see if the clouds lift momentarily.

We put out a second hummingbird feeder, and both feeders are extremely popular.

Our pair of Western Bluebirds is building a nest in the birdhouse off the front deck, and having to defend it vigorously.  A couple of days ago a House Wren attempted to make a grab for the nestbox, and it did have possession for a bit.  The wren was inside the nestbox, preventing the bluebird from entering.  It was tense for a moment, but the wren did leave and the bluebirds regained ownership.  That same day a flock of swallows was visiting, and giving the bluebirds more to complain about.  We’re hoping the bluebirds retain possession and raise another couple of broods of babies.

No Responses to “Pantry progressing towards usefulness”

  1. Scooby says:

    Looks like things are really coming together nicely–looks great!

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