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Monthly Archive for October, 2017

First Snowfall That Sticks.

Makes us feel smart to have gotten the snow tires on the car this past Thursday. It won’t last.  It is bound to get above freezing today.  But then it might do again overnight. So there is just one thing to do in this situation…. Make cinnamon rolls!!  They are on top of the warming […]

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More tiny knitting projects.

Slowly adding to the collection of ornaments for the advent calendar. Very slowly. The bluebird just didn’t look right without wings, so I used some Pionus feathers that I’ve been saving for about 40 years.  Geeze, time flies!

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Aspens are turning color, and soon the wind will strip the leaves from the trees. The grass in the front yard is super dry.  Hard to believe, but it will be green again next spring when the snow melts away. Did some baking today with the last of the apples we picked from our tree.  […]

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Organization Take II

Tootsie pulled herself together. And I finished the filing this morning.  Which mostly consisted of looking through the rest of the pile of papers and deciding it was all junk, except for a few things.  Wow who knew it was going to be that easy. So today we’ll pull the cover off the greenhouse, pick […]

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Getting organized.

Doesn’t that have a nice ring to it?  I wonder what it would be like, being organized.  Chances are I’ll never know 🙂  Oh well. My latest knitting project.  She needs to pull herself together, and I’d manage that if I could figure out for sure how all the parts fit.  The pattern instructions are […]

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