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Monthly Archive for May, 2010

Floor and Wall Texture Contrasts

Today we worked on the initial phase of the flooring installation, that being cleaning the tiles and putting a thin coat of the floor sealer on them.  This will protect them from fingerprints, and keep the thinset cement which glues to them to the floor from sticking to them.  I also got a chance to […]

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Taking shape

Another week winds to a close and our project is starting to actually look like something is happening.  This weekend we have three whole days by ourselves and I’m hoping that we can put up the pine boards on three out of four of the interior walls, and the ceiling.  The sliding glass door needs […]

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Here Comes the Sun…room

First thing this morning, we sorted out the problem of differing heights of the floor between our existing living room and the sun room addition to the house.  It was a somewhat lengthy process but finally everybody understands what we want, and we all decided how to get there from here. Once that was agreed […]

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Famous Last Words….

Yeah….  That will teach me to mock Mother Nature.  Or, maybe not.  I seem to be a slow learner. It was a good thing we had covered up the construction materials which were delivered yesterday.  They would have been very soaked. This morning Dan found a poor frozen hummingbird laying on the sidewalk.  This sort […]

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At least it isn’t snowing

We woke up on Cinco de Mayo to a fat inch of snow covering everything. This last week we finally saw temperatures more in the normal range for this time of year, and lots of flowers are starting to bloom on the hillsides.  The hummingbirds are back in full force, going through three feeders of […]

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