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Monthly Archive for July, 2017

Fruit is ripening

Despite losing badly this year in the rodent wars, the fruit plants are starting to produce ripe fruit.  This morning when we went down to harvest fruit, we discovered that the ground squirrels had demolished the cucumber plants.  Boo!  So all we have left are onions and potatoes.  Hopefully they’ll leave those alone but not […]

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Smoke gets in your eyes.

Air moving out of the north and west brings some interesting sunsets to the skies.  No fires near us, this smoke is all coming down out of Canada. Dan saw a drama play out a couple of days ago.  He had gone out to the greenhouse and a red squirrel hot on the trail of […]

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Fires and Flowers

Yesterday an idiot who lives immediately south of us decided to start a brush fire. Had he had a brain, he might have noticed the wind rustling in the dry grass around his brush fire, and not started the fire in the first place. Hopefully he enjoys the large bill he gets from the State […]

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