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Monthly Archive for May, 2021

Spinning project

Found the pieces that I needed for my Ashford spinning wheel, and fiber to spin. And I did a bit of maintenance on my spinning wheel as it’s been a while since I’ve done any spinning, and we’ve moved a couple of times. Things needed to be tightened up. This is the fiber I want […]

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Let the gardening commence.

We are cow-proofed – yay! This is kind of exciting. We didn’t think we’d have any sort of a garden this year. But surprisingly we have a fence!! Of course, we need to remove all the grass and weeds from inside the garden fence, and a bunch of rocks, and buy seeds and some compost. […]

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The kitchen countertop is in, at long last. It is so much nicer to work on than varnished plywood!! So the next steps in the kitchen are to finish the sheetrock which needs a skim coat and texturing, then painting, both on the wall behind the sink and on the ceiling. We are replacing the […]

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