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Monthly Archive for February, 2018

Spring IS coming, right???

Since last Saturday we’ve had a foot of new snow fall, and temperatures in way below zero range. The lowest we saw was -16F and then it warmed up to -14F. That gave us hope. A bluebird!!  Well, bluebirds are one of the earliest spring migrants, so even though we still had well over a […]

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Gold on the horizon.

Spectacular sunset last night. The snow WAS melting, but then the temperatures went into the single digits overnight, and that put a screeching halt to any melting that was going on.  Nature was just letting us know that winter isn’t over, yet, and don’t let us forget who is in charge around here.

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It just makes for somewhat boring pictures. It has been a very snowy winter this year, but never a huge amount at any one time, just four inches here, five inches there, enough to lull us into a false sense of not needing to plow the driveway.  Again. Got another four inches of snow again […]

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