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Monthly Archive for October, 2013


Fog enshrouded the mountain side today, all morning long.  As the sun climbed over the mountain to the east, the fog began to lift. Lovely weather and fall colors.   Just amazing this year.

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Fall colors

The aspens are already gold, and with winds kicking up today as weather moves in, I thought I’d better take a picture while the leaves are still attached. Absolutely adore this time of year, getting ready for winter.

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Our low temperature yesterday morning was a hard frost at 27F, and we wondered if the hoop greenhouse would be up to the task of keeping plants alive at that temperature. We waited until afternoon when the day had warmed up to a balmy 55F and then ventured down to the garden to see how […]

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So, we’re used to mouse rodeos, though they are less frequent these days now that we’ve tightened up the foundation and reduced access points into the house. Poor kitty, no real mice to play with, but that’s another story. This morning we were having a rousing game of fetch with Mishkin, using his toy mice. […]

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