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Monthly Archive for September, 2010

Mishkin’s First Bear

That same small chocolate colored Black Bear has been hanging around the corner of the sun room, harvesting apples from the Crabapple tree. Usually Terry is the first one to see the bear and Mishkin is upstairs so fast that he never sees a thing. Well, today was different. The bear came up the hillside […]

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Chapter 3: Wrong Lake

Chapter 3: Our First Taste of Alders “Good morning! Wake up, little Susie! Are you planning on spending the whole day in there?” Dan peered in at me from the front of the tent the next morning. I had been sleeping so soundly that I never even heard him getting up. I sat up and […]

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Chapter 2: Wrong Lake

Chapter 2: Setting up Camp The pilot asked where on the lake we wanted him to drop us off, and we directed him towards the outlet creek where trees were closest to the edge of the water. We would need the trees for shelter, and most importantly, for firewood. Edging the plane as close to […]

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Mouse Rodeo

Friday morning, Mishkin had a mouse cornered in the exercise room.  It had managed to get hidden in the elliptical walker out of reach, and so poor kitty had a long day of hanging out with Oro and Opal, and keeping close to the exercise equipment.  He even took his cat naps up there with […]

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A Pink Sunroom

I’m not sure why putting half the normal tint for a reddish brown exterior paint color would give us a pink colored primer for the first coat, but there ya’ go.  Or there we go.  Somebody is always going somewhere! That is the famous deck where the squirrel/cone standoff occurred yesterday.  That same squirrel was […]

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Ghost Trees

Ten days to the Autumnal Equinox, fall weather feels like it has already arrived.  It has been rainy and foggy all day.  Tomorrow we are supposed to have warmer and drier weather, a good forecast since we intend to paint the exterior of the sunroom tomorrow and Tuesday.  Yesterday we spent hours sealing the edges […]

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Chapter 1: Wrong Lake

I started writing a book a little while ago, and time does tend to get away from us quickly.  I’ve not gotten very far on my writing.  Life interferes to some extent, and we have a nice car to go driving!   Who knows, I might even get this published someday, if I’m good enough at […]

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The Supervisor Is In

Sometimes Mishkin looks so innocent and peaceful. Not only is he innocent looking, but he’s fast.  What you didn’t see was a little gray paw sneaking out and knocking my computer mouse on the floor.  His theory, apparently, was that if I didn’t have a mouse handy, then I wasn’t working, and I could pay […]

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How Dan Gets Racing Stripes

This takes a very specific set of circumstances to occur, simultaneously. First, Mishkin must be reclining on Dan’s lap, upside down with his eyes closed, luxuriating in getting pets. Second, Dan and Mishkin must be watching TV and not paying attention to anything outside. Third, Terry must be paying attention to what is happening outside, […]

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