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Monthly Archive for January, 2012

Pygmy Owl Came Calling

We hear them calling this time of year, in fact when I went out to take a picture I heard this bird’s partner calling in the distance.  And because they hunt in the day time, we get to see them occasionally. Dan spotted this bird in the tree in front of the house.  The Chickadees […]

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Starting to look like Winter

Really cold air came down from the north and collided with warmer (relatively), moist air from the west, and we ended up with about five inches of snow.  If the forecast is accurate, we should see another two to five inches of snow by tomorrow morning.  It’s a good thing we plowed the driveway yesterday. […]

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Sunrise Sunset

Swiftly fly the days. Or something like that. Then all day, clear skies and cold.  Our solar panels like this sort of weather a lot.  Nothing much happened today.  

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