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Monthly Archive for June, 2013

End of June

Things are really growing in the garden, especially in the greenhouse. The tomato plants have quadrupled in size and all five plants are blooming and/or setting fruit. It has the same effect on my glasses when I first walk in.  The tomato plants were small when we planted them and now all are above the […]

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Sunset and Garden

Last night we had a really beautiful sunset. Thunderstorms were predicted but failed to materialize. The clouds did yield a dramatic sky as the sun went down.   Today we still have a chance at thunderstorms and rain, but less of a chance than yesterday. This morning we went down to the garden to open […]

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First fawn of the year

A doe and fawn walked through the front yard today, first one we’ve seen this year. Not any bigger than Mishkin, so cute. Speaking of Mish, he was being tough in the doe and fawn’s general direction. Let the babysitting begin. Our yard will become a nursery again. The picture is so fuzzy because I […]

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One Crane Too Many

In mid May we made a birding trip to our favorite place for birdwatching, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.  It was a really great trip, as always, even though we did get skunked on Snowy Plovers (again!), and no Bitterns.  That’s just wrong. We did see lots of great birds, had great weather, and almost no […]

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