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Monthly Archive for August, 2009

Playing with cameras

This is Mishkin’s favorite sleeping position on his blanket which resides on the couch… Both our computers have webcams and when the program doesn’t freeze solid it takes an ok picture.  It also takes little videos but we haven’t figured out a way to convert them to a format anybody besides us can see. And […]

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Nice Sunset

Clouds moved in night before last and sealed in the heat from the day, which made for restless sleep.  It rained off and on all day yesterday, short brief showers which were enough to drop the high temperature over twenty degrees from one day to the next.  It felt wonderful! Late in the day the […]

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Late Night Visitors

The black bear who has been hanging around near our house harvesting this, that, and the other, paid a visit to the front of our house last night, as dusk settled in.  Rather than opening the door and saying “shoo!” (bears REALLY hate that word), I tapped on the window glass while Dan went for […]

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One Year Ago Today…

We headed south to bring home a kitten who had been rescued from a paper sack which had been dumped in front of a convenience store.  It was a very long day indeed, five hours drive each way.  Meet our little flea-lion…. He was four months old and the first thing he did upon arriving […]

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Late August Sunset

The days are noticeably shorter, less than a month away from the autumnal equinox.  The sunset last night was beautiful as a direct result of smoke in the air from forest fires to the south and west of us. The nights are cooler; this morning our low temperature was 41F (6C).  It is so much […]

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Hamburger Buns

A new experiment using my gluten free baking cookbook – hamburger buns and we will have them tomorrow for dinner after we get home from the dentist office.  We will need something good to compensate for having been at the dentist all afternoon. and the long drive both ways.  This is a new dentist, and […]

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Score: Packrats 3,824 Humans 1

Yeah!!! We’re on the board!  We declared war on these little creatures, and bought a new live trap which seemed like a much more successful type of contraption.  And it worked in just over 36 hours; our first capture. They are sort of pretty little animals but they have no manners whatsoever, and as neighbors […]

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Shameless Product Endorsement

We tried a new veggie burger called Amy’s Bistro Burger, which is both gluten free and dairy free.  AND it is the best veggie burger I’ve ever tried!  I toasted some of the gluten free Sesame Seed Bean Bread I’ve been making, and the taste combination of the toasted bread and veggie burger was amazing.  […]

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Changing seasons? Nah, not yet.

This past week we had four days of rainy and cool weather.  It felt like fall had arrived early, with forest fire season ending precipitation!  Most likely this isn’t really the case and a few weeks of hot temperatures and low humidity will put us right back where we were at the start of last […]

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I made some lemon coconut muffins today, and added some dried blueberries just for effect. As soon as they cool off a bit we can eat them 🙂

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