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Monthly Archive for March, 2011

Lace scarf

Finally finished a scarf I started a while ago, before it was snowing actually.  Figures it’s done and the snow is melting. The finished blocked scarf is 9.5 inches wide, and about 38 inches long, without any fringe, and weighs 2.5 ounces at this time.  I’m thinking beads!  But I’m not sure.  The drape is […]

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It’s snowing again. It’s not that cold outside, barely above freezing, and the house is too warm to have a fire in the wood stove in the living room, so the cook stove in the kitchen is doing double duty – fixing food and keeping the house warm.  I’m sitting in the kitchen with my […]

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Snow, snow, and more snow

It’s hard to get serious about planning a garden when the area in which you plan to construct said garden remains covered with snow.  We know spring is here because the calendars says so, but our temperatures are 10 degrees below normal for this time of year. The snow would stick to the ground briefly, […]

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Only five days to spring!

The Equinox is next week, and then, maybe, it will stop snowing.  But that was not today.  It’s a good thing we can maintain a sense of humor this time of year.  The good thing about snowfalls this time of year is that, generally speaking, they don’t actually stick to much of anything and just […]

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A couple of months ago we realized the batteries which provide our electrical power needed to be replaced.  And like all things involved with this house, that meant we had to accomplish three others things first, before we could get to the batteries. What happened…  First, last year the propane generator died, and we switched […]

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