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Monthly Archive for June, 2021


Wow, all the way down to 112!!

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And more hot weather.

Watching the thermometer is a new hobby. Yesterday was the hottest temperature we’ve ever seen. It’s been going up 3 degrees each day. 105, 108, 111. I hope the trend doesn’t continue for today!! Today and tomorrow are supposed to be the hottest days and then it will cool down gradually. Monday it is forecast […]

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Hot weather.

Yesterday was the highest temperature on our outdoor thermometer that we’ve ever seen living in this county for almost 13 years, all told. And it was supposed to be the coolest day we’ll see for the next six days. Hmmmm. This morning it hasn’t heated up outside as quickly as it did yesterday, so perhaps […]

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This morning before it got too hot we went see how the stairway project is coming along and take some pictures. Definitely, a zipline would get us to the bottom way quicker than going down and then up the stairs. But getting back up without the stairs would be impossible. Though we could cross the […]

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Tetris is geometry with moderate calculus. The point of Tetris is to assimilate the pieces into holes in the shape of the pieces themselves. Geometry is used to determine whether a shape can fit into a certain hole or not. That is the official definition. But what Tetris REALLY is all about is rearranging furniture. […]

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Foiled! And other good news.

The fence earned its keep this morning. Our neighbor’s cattle showed up on the property next to us, and walked along a few of the edges of our fence seeking a way in, and they were foiled. When they arrived at our neighbor’s yard, they were noticed and herded back and hopefully the fence breach […]

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