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Monthly Archive for July, 2016


So much to do right now, it’s making time fly past very quickly. Haven’t taken any pictures in the greenhouse lately. This year we planted the tomatoes on the south and west side of the greenhouse, and the pepper plants are in the middle beds. The north side has veronica, a couple of other peppers, […]

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Painting is done!!

Finally, at long last the painting is done!!  We still have to get the mason guy to come and fix the chimney which needs to be regrouted, and flashing installed around the bottom to protect the new roofing from water, and also to regrout the original rock foundation in places where it is rock, and […]

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Sitting here minding our own business, and a flash and immediate very loud kaboom announced a lightning strike close to the house.  It was close enough that it sounded like something large landed on the house.  A few minutes later we had another one, louder and longer thunder, and then it got quiet.  Mostly.  More […]

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Sunday I made Gooseberry Jelly, and learned something in the process.  The jelly turns out clearer if you strain the fruit while it is hot, instead of waiting for it to be cool so you don’t burn your hands.  Boo. The benefit to making jelly is I don’t have to do as much preparation work […]

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Even more fruit.

Today was a perfect temperature for playing in the garden, picking fruit.  It’s 65 degrees at noon, and with partly sunny skies, it was just so comfortable working with the fruit plants. The first batch of black raspberries was ready for harvesting, and we got four cups, enough for a small batch of jam.  The […]

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Getting Buried in Fruit

Struggling to keep up with the harvest of fruit this year. It is all getting ripe at once. From left to right, top to bottom, red currants, gooseberries, cherries, raspberries, more cherries, and strawberries. So far we’ve harvested and frozen 3 gallons of gooseberries, 3 gallons of red currants, a couple of gallons of pie […]

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Almost all the fruit seems to have decided to get ripe at once. The blackberries and black raspberries are the only types of fruit which seems to be keeping with their normal ripening schedule. Everything else is a bit early, and all at once. This is the third picking of strawberries and raspberries, with lots […]

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Big Pink

Painting is making progress; most of the primer has been applied. The south and west sides of the house are ready for their final coat of paint; part of the north side has been primed, and the east is yet to be done. There is a House Wren who built her nest behind a board […]

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