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Monthly Archive for February, 2012

Snowing, snowing, snowing

Another five or six inches so far in the last 18 hours, and no sign it is going to stop soon. I always did want to be snowed in. I might be getting my wish!

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Two Months ’til Hummers

Really???? It staggers our minds to think in two months there will be wildflowers, green grass, and hummingbirds arriving at our windows and peering in, asking where are their feeders, assuming we don’t get them up ahead of time.  Can’t even imagine “green.”

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What a difference a day makes

One day it can be snowing, the next day fog moves in and coats everything with frost, and then the fog disappears and sunshine reigns supreme.   I saw something very cool on Saturday as I was driving down the hill, just below our house. A cat by the side of the road.  Who is […]

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