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Monthly Archive for September, 2012

Peach Pie

Best thing to do on the last day of the month is… besides making breakfast using the cook stove.  It sure warms up the house nicely and makes the kitchen the best room to be in until the rest of the house is warmed up. It will take hours to cool enough to have the […]

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Harvest Moonset

The end of September, and a full moon sets in a smoky sky.  We really need some rain, and none in the forecast. It wasn’t very light outside when I took these pictures this morning.  As the sun rose, the smoke seems to have dissipated to some degree, and it will be a good day […]

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Things that make you go hmmmmm

No wonder kids these days are confused about where some foods come from!

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September 12th and…. Toast!

Some plants just can’t take a joke.  And Mother Nature has a sense of humor.   A hard frost was predicted for the middle of last week, and frost it did, not super hard but below 30F was enough of a frost to make some plants wilt and the leaves turned black.  So, a harvesting we […]

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Pickle Saga

Yesterday we picked all the cucumbers we could find on our four plants, and brought them up to the house to wash and then put into a large bowl with cold water, and then into the pantry.  Today was pickle day, but first we had to go play in the garden.  While Dan was watering […]

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