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Monthly Archive for November, 2013


Today as the sun rose over the mountains to the east, a fog bank surrounded our house, and captured the morning light. When the sun finally came over the mountains a few minutes after I took these pictures, the world changed back to its normal colors, but for a moment it was truly magical. A […]

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Lace Border

I started knitting a lace pattern from “The Encyclopedia of Needlework” last night, using the hand spun yarn and size 0000 needles. I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do with this when I run out of yarn; I ended up with a bit more yardage than I thought I would have, initially.  […]

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Indoor Pursuits

Now that winter has well and truly arrived, we’re thinking about gardening next year. Dan went down to the garden yesterday and sat under the arbor in the dry chairs. He said it was weird being surrounded by snow. Everything looked good, though, no broken canes on the raspberry plants. I dyed a small skein […]

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Weather gets serious

Snowfall started this afternoon, after a very dark and gray morning – the kind of morning where curling up with a book in front of the woodstove feels perfect. And it looks like it’s going to be serious today, a snowfall that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, like not until April.

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What a difference a day makes

One day it’s green, and then it’s all fall colors, and then this happens. The weather forecasters keep saying it’s going to warm up and melt, but so far it has stayed white.  We have had about four inches of snowfall, so far.  Pretty.  Now that we have the right snow tires on the car, […]

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