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Monthly Archive for June, 2012

End of June. Really.

It has been raining and raining, and cool. It looks and feels so much like spring. Today the high temperature was 55F (13C), and when it wasn’t raining hard, it was raining softly.

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They will start growing soon. Warm summer weather is coming, supposedly. Last week we had rain, rain, and more rain, and threatened freezing temperatures overnight to go with it. But the lowest we saw was 36F, barely above freezing but enough above that we didn’t have any plants die from freezing. Drowning, yes. But they […]

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Kinglet – Let the games begin!

A Ruby-crowned Kinglet decided to challenge his reflection in our living room windows. At first the Kinglet would jump when Mishkin jumped at the window, but then he figured out he was not in any danger and then he said, “Oh yeah!!  Tough guy.  Bring it on.”  Bounce bounce bounce.  This went on for hours […]

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