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Monthly Archive for December, 2008


Yesterday was highly stressful, watching the satellite internet installation person work for five hours to get our new service up and running, and fail completely.  He’ll be back Saturday…  hopefully.

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What better thing to do when there is two feet of snow on the ground and more threatening to fall than to look at pictures of wildflowers and try to figure out what they are called. Last June I ran around in front of our house and took pictures of some of the wildflowers blooming […]

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Warm hands

Rather than complaining about cold hands when I’m playing with my computer, I decided to take matters into my own hands, so to speak. Fingerless gloves are the cats meow, as Mishkin will testify. First step, I cast on enough stitches to comfortably surround my hand when joined in a circle, and then knit one […]

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Break in the snowfall

The skies cleared up today, and our solar panels actually produced enough power to hold the percentage charged on the batteries while we washed laundry. And the temperature outside didn’t drop like a rock. Both of these are pretty exciting, and that says a lot about our thrilling lifestyle here in the middle of nowhere. […]

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Tricks for Cookies

Shortbread cookies are popular at our household, on a lot of levels. Everybody loves to eat them, and they are the easiest of all cookies to make. I also plan on making some tree shaped cookies with green frosting and sprinkles, and the dough is made and cooling in the refrigerator. But I discovered I’m […]

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Banana Pancakes

We had two ripe bananas, and snowy weather today.  The solar panels aren’t producing any power today, even if they do get brushed off; a heavy cloud cover coming from the north is colliding with moisture from the west. So, what does snowy weather have to do with bananas?  It is cold and we have […]

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Panoramic Views

What is better than caffeine for jolting a person awake?  Stepping out on a deck and taking a deep breath at -7F (-21.66C).  Actually, it feels wonderful!  Dan started both wood stoves this morning and heated the whole house very quickly. The sky has such a neat pastel blue color at this temperature.  The following […]

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Could we borrow some degrees?

The outside temperature this morning was -5F, and the snow squeaks when you walk on it with a distinctive sound.  Mishkin hasn’t ever felt winter; he was born in the spring and has been an indoor kitty since he was rescued.  I took him outside to sniff the cold, and he froze very still in […]

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Deep freeze

The promised snowfall didn’t materialize yesterday (drat!), but the cold temperatures did make an appearance. This morning it was +3F and has warmed up to almost +10F. The sun is low over the horizon this time of year, and it is dark before 4 PM. We took a drive down the road to the mailbox. […]

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First Installment

I’ve noticed something. whenever there is an interesting celestial event like a full moon closer to the earth than normal, we have cloudy weather.  We do get interesting weather during celestial events, however.  Yesterday was no exception, but on the good side we did get a good fluffy five inches of snow for the first […]

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