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Monthly Archive for September, 2016

Mad Chemist

A few years ago I started making pancake sauces, instead of always having just plain old maple syrup. Yesterday I experimented with making a pancake sauce using Josta Berries, as this year we had an abundance of the fruit from our plants, and next year we’ll have even more as the plants start to hit […]

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Peachy Keen

So many peaches, it was hard to decide exactly what to do with them. So first I opened one of my gluten free yellow cake mixes, and substituted the liquid ingredients for two whole peeled and diced peaches, then baked it until it was completely baked, about 20 minutes longer than the recipe said due […]

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Ain’t Technology Grand?

This morning I set my laptop computer up in the kitchen, by the wood cook stove; it’s nice and toasty warm in the kitchen. I love using the the various levels of technology – wood stoves circa 1800’s and internet circa mid 1990’s. While I’m working, I’m also watching a friend playing in a world […]

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Peek-a-boo, I see you.

Second black bear we’ve seen in as many days. This one is the smaller of the two, a good 200 pounds, he’s very rolly-polly. The one we saw yesterday was a large bear, and we had an earthquake at the same time we saw the bear, so there was much excitement around the house at […]

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Colors of Gardening

This is the fun time of year for gardening! All the colors of fruits and vegetables are just beautiful. The star of the harvest today is definitely the blackberries!!! We’ve tried to grow blackberries for six years and this is the first time we’ve gotten any fruit off of the vines. This is just the […]

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