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Monthly Archive for June, 2009

After the Solstice.

It’s summer time, officially!  The rains are probably gone now for the next several months. Things are still so green everywhere around us.  Soon it will be browned by the hot summer sun. The solar panels produce an amazing amount of power early in the day on the clear summer days.  It makes the fact […]

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Baby pictures

This baby fawn is less than a week old, most likely. The pictures are a bit fuzzy because I took them through the glass window in the front door. Our macaw as making a racket about this time, alerting us to the deadly predator in the front yard.  She has been on a roll today, […]

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We went for a walk today down by the river.  I garnered four mosquito bites, but next time we will take some bug spray with us!  It was fun to go for a walk again; our knees are recovering from the mistreatment of the other day. Temperatures in the high 60’s and low 70’s makes […]

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New life experience

Last week I got a new life experience as a vugraph operator, broadcasting a bridge game in real time.  We went to Penticton, BC, for the bridge finals of the Canadian National Team Championship Flight A; the teams were playing for the right to play in the Bermuda Bowl  in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  This is […]

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Taking digital pictures to write a blog for the world wide web, which is typed on a wireless laptop over satellite internet while cooking breakfast on a wood cookstove, is a really neat way to start the day.  And, what makes it even better is that it has been raining for a couple of hours. […]

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Exploring new places

The fire to the northwest of us continues to create beautiful sunsets.  A bit of weather moved in last night and if we get any rain out of it, the air quality will improve dramatically.  We had a beautiful sunset last night but I was being lazy and just watched it instead of getting out […]

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Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

It’s hummingbird season, which means it is also forest fire season.  There are no fires around here, but to the northwest of us there is a sizeable fire which is putting a lot of smoke in the air.  As soon as it rains, (hopefully today!!!) and/or the winds turn around from another direction other than […]

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Summertime Activities

May ended with a sunset typical of clear summer skies; these are not fleeting sunsets either, but ones that last for over an hour, changing hue and character as the sun sets lower below the horizon. We took advantage of this amazing weather we’ve been having recently, not too hot and not the least bit […]

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