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Monthly Archive for January, 2022

Bird feeders are cool!

We are used to seeing turkeys fly past the windows, though it is still a bit startling because they are so big! But there was drama today and we almost missed it. Right after Dan saw the flurry of feathers on the fence he saw an adult Golden Eagle flying west but alas with empty […]

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Had a cow moose and her calf visit today. Cool! Baby has a bunch of snow on his/her forehead. Cute! Pretty deep snow but it’s going to get deeper. The weather forecast is for six inches to a foot of snow starting tonight. I guess we need to move some more pellets to the porch […]

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New Year Snowfall.

We are getting a real winter this year. We just had over a week of low temperatures below zero and high temperatures in the single digits. Last night it started warming up and it was a balmy 25F this morning when we got up to see a good six inches of snow had fallen. This […]

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