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Monthly Archive for February, 2019

We decided shoveling a path to the bird feeders was better than trying to tromp around on snowshoes. I was standing in well over two feet of snow at that point. Finally I reached my goal and shoveled some areas around the feeders, but not all the way to the grass.  I left a good […]

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Still snowing.

Normally this area gets four inches of snow a year.  Total.  And that’s probably five days’ worth when it is actually snowing enough to stick on the ground. Two feet of new snow.  And it is still snowing and supposed to keep snowing today, tomorrow, and Monday.  Good thing we went grocery shopping on Thursday […]

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It might snow.

I’m not sure where January went, but it’s gone.  And February is blurring past pretty fast as well. Last weekend it started snowing, just a couple of days and we ended up with a good fat six inches of snow on the ground. Then we thought, no worries, that was winter.  A few days of […]

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