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Monthly Archive for December, 2016

Lace shawl.

Just finished the second ball of yarn today, completing row 80 of 542 rows that comprise the body of the shawl. The lace border pattern goes all around the exterior of the shawl.  Then the next pattern also goes completely around the shawl.  Above that is the next pattern which also goes completely around the […]

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The last thing on the shower tile project was completed this morning. A shower is in our immediate future this afternoon.  ‘Bout time! 🙂 I’ve saved the orange peel to use as a zest in something.  Now I just have to figure out what that something will be.  We are officially orange farmers!  There are […]

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Tile work is done!

Getting closer to being able to take a shower. Hurray! The snow stopped as well, and it has warmed up to 14.5F above zero.  Amazing how much less firewood we need to heat the house at this temperature instead of -10F.  You can see how snowy the branches are in the window above the shower.

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Day six. Done and not done.

Some things are done, and some things aren’t. That seemed to take forever because it was so boring but not something I could go on knitting auto-pilot because then I’d screw up the pattern.  Bad combination.  Boring and have to pay attention! Another boring job.  I added stitch markers for knitting sections as I picked […]

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Day five.

First order of the day was to grout the floor tiles. And then the busiest wall was completed, the one with the cubby hole for soap and shampoo containers to sit. Now the rest of the shower is whole pieces of tile so that should go fairly quickly today.  Maybe by Monday this will all […]

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Day four.

The floor tile has been set and will be grouted on Friday, and then the wall tiles will be set. Also the tiles on the outside of the curb are in place.

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Day three.

The cool part, and leak proofing part, is a membrane which is applied to the entire interior of the shower, and is in overlapping pieces like roofing tiles so that water is directed to the drain even if it were to get underneath the tiles themselves.   The mortar is all dry this morning, so […]

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Just so pretty outside this morning at -8F thought I’d share. You’ll have to imagine how the air feels, yourself. It got even prettier as sunrise approached.

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Day two.

What a difference a day makes. Today we have concrete board on the walls, and the base sub-floor system including the curb have been cut for size and put in place. Just now the thinset mortar is being mixed, so there is concrete dust in the air in the bathroom.  I have no desire to […]

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New project

Apparently we need our heads examined as here it is December and we’re starting a remodeling project. Yesterday was the dust and destruction part of the process.  Our poor cat just can’t understand why it is we keep allowing people into the house who immediately begin to tear things apart and make loud, rude noises.  […]

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