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Monthly Archive for August, 2013

Late August Harvest

More strawberries were ripe than we thought there’d be.  We picked a slicing cucumber, enough pickling cucumbers to make a jar, and a sprig of dill for flavoring.  Also a bell pepper and an anaheim pepper joined the harvest.  The bowl of peaches was a gift from Susan yesterday, and it is destined to become […]

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More garden stuff

The last couple of weeks we’ve been enjoying the garden produce a lot. I’ve been making on average 3-4 quarts of dill pickles a week from the three cucumber plants.   So far I’ve made 15 quart jars of pickles. The Anaheim peppers were wonderful in breakfast scrambles.  There are still two peppers on the plants, […]

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Stealing Eggs

I wanted to do a pencil drawing of this Arctic Fox stealing a goose egg ever since the first time I saw it.

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This is the question being asked by our new pet hawk. Very tame, this bird didn’t mind me opening the door from the sunroom and stepping out on the porch to take a picture.  Looks better than through a window which is still in desperate need to cleaning.

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An eventful couple of days.  Lots of thunderstorms, close lightning strikes with down pouring rains and cool weather. We picked our first batch of pickling cucumbers on August 3rd, and made four quarts.  In another week or so we’ll get to do this again. Today we’ll pick lettuce for a salad and use up the […]

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