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Monthly Archive for March, 2010

Mountain Faces

Spring time.  We have buttercups blooming again; they first showed their sunny little yellow faces on the Equinox.  Appropriate!  More flowers will be coming soon.  Hummingbirds are a month away now.  We can hardly wait to see their little faces buzzing around feeders. We saw the 100th bird species on our property a couple of […]

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Happy Vernal Equinox

Yesterday was the first day of Spring!  We celebrated by going on a birding trip south of here, a four plus hour drive, to an area where Sandhill Cranes congregate while on migration.  There were flocks of them in the air, calling to each other about weather. flight plans, who has the longest legs, and […]

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Sneaking up on things

Just last week spring was here.  Granted, no flowers were blooming yet, and for that matter they still aren’t blooming.  And then winter snuck up on us again. It has been snowing again off and on all day today, and predicted to continue doing that for the next couple of days.  Spring is sneaking up […]

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