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Our pantry is now finished enough to be totally useful!  The floor trim is all installed in the pantry and the kitchen, with the exception of one side of the floor by the stairs in the lower pantry.  We haven’t figured out how we want to finish the stairs quite yet, and until we do reach some conclusion, we’ll leave it unfinished.

So much space and nothing will be hidden in a dark corner.

So much space and nothing will be hidden in a dark corner.

But, the shelves are up and I can start organizing things in the pantry for the first time since we moved in here a hair over three years ago.  Wow!  Time flies!!  I moved in some things last night but we were so tired from all the woodwork during the day we just vegged out and watched TV.

Unlike Mishkin, who was in this pose most of the day while we were working….

We wish he wasn't so highstrung.

We wish he wasn't so highstrung.

While we were watching TV last night, I finished knitting my shawl!  Well mostly anyway; I have the fourth corner left to knit this morning and all the loose ends to weave in.  I’ll get the shawl reading for blocking and do that this afternoon once the pantry is all organized and we’ve reclaimed the house from all the clutter we created a few weeks ago when we started the pantry project.  I’ll make sure to take a before and after blocking picture of the shawl since it so demonstrates the magic of blocking lace and the change is dramatic.

Happiness is a finished project.  There is Joy and Rapture in our household today!

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