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Monthly Archive for November, 2010

Light and Shadows

Three weeks away from the Winter Solstice, the shadow cast by the mountain above us creeps farther into the morning hours.  I love this time of year, when the contrast between light and dark is dramatic. The heavy cloud cover of the past several days seems like it is breaking up a bit, and that […]

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He wanted cinnamon rolls

But not too often, or the consequences could get bad!  

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Very cold and snowy here

A very cold wave of air slid south, colliding with warmer moist air sliding west, and the result was snow.  Not a lot of snow, only six inches, but it isn’t going away anytime in the near future. Filling the wood rack was Dan’s main project for today, keeping the house warm.  Early this morning […]

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Several Inches of Snow Today

The first real snowfall for winter melted.  That was our cue to hurry up and get all the rest of our outdoor chores completed.  We scattered the remainder of the grass seeds in areas where the grass we planted didn’t take, but weeds did!  The chipmunks are all sleepy-bye now and the seeds will have […]

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First Real Snowfall

It has been an extremely uneventful week or so, just the way we like it.  Mostly we’ve been watching the few remaining leaves falling, and waiting for snow to fall.  We’d seen a few flakes falling, but couldn’t really say it was snowing, just ‘flaking.’  I’m really hoping for heavy snowfall this year.  I still […]

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