Feed on

The hummingbirds are making their full migratory return, and we are having hummingbird wars on the front porch. It is one the highlights of living here!

A male Calliope, his purple neck feathers flash a brilliant violet in in the right light.

A male Calliope, his purple neck feathers flash a brilliant violet in in the right light.

Today started off with a bang, or should I say scream.  Terry woke us up with her full “It’s a bear! It’s a bear!” alarm call.  She scared the wits out of the other two birds, and the cat, who was nowhere to be seen for a while after that.  We don’t know if she actually saw a bear or just our neighbor leaving bright and early in the morning.  I guess, if you are a bird brain and haven’t seen a bear for quite a while, that a white pickup truck might be easily confused with a bruin.  We certainly didn’t see anything outside worth screaming about.

Terry has been providing us with entertainment.  The other evening we were watching the old Alfred Hitchcock movie, “The Birds,” and Terry would laugh when the birds attacked the people.  It made watching the movie a whole lot less frightening, having a macaw laugh track, but it was a little surreal.

This morning Mishkin (after he got over the earlier fright), attacked and killed a roll of toilet paper – all over the floor in the hallway.  He has also been coming face to face with chipmunks on the front porch.  I’ll have to try to get a picture of that, as it is quite funny to watch the chipmunks sitting up on their back feet, studying the cat who is studying them.  Mishkin doesn’t seem to get the glass part of Kitty TV.

He does get something else though, which is quite amazing for a cat.  He totally gets pointing now.  If I point at something, he looks to see what I’m pointing at, instead of a normal catly attitude of not caring at all what any other being on the planet thinks about anything.  It is quite a leap of thinking ability, and we’re impressed.

I’ll work on getting more pictures of hummingbirds once I get the battery recharged on the camera.  There is a male Rufous Hummingbird staking out a bush in front of the porch.

No Responses to “Returning in full force”

  1. Scooby says:

    So, now my hummingird is gone, and you have lots of hummingbirds? Rats!

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