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Monthly Archive for May, 2022

Garden Progress.

We aren’t finished with creating the garden, but we are definitely getting closer. We planted two blueberry plants, and one more Josta Berry, plus a rhubarb. Definitely worried about the rhubarb as both leaves it had when we transplanted it are now dead and I am not sure there is a new leaf somewhere just […]

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Blossoms and Bearglary

Flowers are blooming next to the house. I hope the burglar, err bearglar, enjoyed sniffing them! We discovered we had a visitor last night, one who wreaked havoc on our front and back decks. Mainly he or she was looking for something to eat because no doubt some moron people have taught them to expect […]

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Knitting project beginnings.

Finally got through the tedious border pattern repeats, 37 times at 340 stitches per pattern repeat. The good news is I did memorize the pattern! Next I had to pick up all the stitches on the inside straight edge of the border. There are 296 stitches to be picked up. The first row transfers all […]

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Our first seeds are up! Nobody else has poked their heads above ground but we are cautiously optimistic. The ground is really dry which means not much organic matter in the top soil, so we’ll have to keep it damp. The new couch is a success as far as our cat is concerned.

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Gardening in the mountains.

Well it keeps on snowing around here. It doesn’t stick to anything down low but let’s just say we’re really glad not to have to drive over the pass today! The mountains we can see to the east were very white this morning. The garden doesn’t care about snow at this point! As soon as […]

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