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Monthly Archive for September, 2009

Muffin Monday

The “Bangles” wrote a song about this, “It’s Just Another Muffin Monday,” and so it was my theme song for the day. I’m baking a loaf of bread as well.  Dan is playing music and entertaining us.  Terry is on bear lookout watch today; she spotted a large cinnamon brown black bear coming up the […]

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Happy Autumnal Equinox

First day of fall – my favorite season! I was experimenting today with my bread recipes and made a batch of cinnamon pecan sticky buns. This morning Mishkin told Dan that he had cornered a mouse under the bag that we use to bring firewood into the house.  Dan moved the bag and, oh joy, […]

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Another new experiment

Continuing my search for good breads, I experimented today.  I have a four flour bread mix that I made from my gluten-free baking cookbook, and we don’t really care for it, though I did made a cinnamon raisin bread from it that was good.  As a plain bread… not so much.  I have quite a […]

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Mid-September Sunset

The world anticipates the equinox and is practicing fall colors. Fade to black and white with glimmering stars overhead. I love fall.

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Something New, and Something Old

There is a recipe in my new gluten-free cookbook that has intrigued me since I read it. Today I made a batch and just pulled them from the oven. They are made with a light rice flour mixture, some garbanzo bean flour added for protein, and instead of shortening the recipe called for a nut […]

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Fresh Bread and More

Yummmmmmmm. This pretty much sums it up. Our early warning alarm system in the form of a macaw told us we had company. This is the plum tree next to our bedroom, and most likely this is the same midnight burglar that was visiting a few nights ago. Trying to decide if it is safe […]

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Clever Mishkin

This afternoon Terry was out for some attention and Mishkin was really wanting to come over to the couch and participate in the attention. But he knows he isn’t allowed to come that close to his sibling. He came as close as he dared, between the chair and the couch, and watched Terry getting her […]

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Fall Breakfast

A cool morning, 41F (5C), and the house is delightfully cool.  There is only thing to do under such circumstances.  We must start a fire in the cookstove to take the chill off the house.  And then there is only one thing to do with a hot stove…  cook breakfast. Yummmm.   Water heating in […]

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Already, so soon??

It has been raining here all day, wave after wave of storms rolling through, with sunshine breaks in between.  The sunshine, when it was here, was delightful!  I split a couple of wheelbarrows of firewood and stacked it in the rack on the front deck, just for exercise and so I wouldn’t have to move […]

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