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Monthly Archive for December, 2009

Steadily Snowing

Shortly after we woke up this morning, it started to snow, and it has been snowing steadily ever since.  Four inches have fallen so far, with no signs of letting up. I can predict the future.  Tomorrow Dan will be plowing snow. I have some very ripe bananas which need to be turned into muffins […]

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Lemon Cupcakes

In a word. Yum.

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Chocolate Almond Torte

Reading recipes is entertaining, in and of itself.  I’ve been doing it for years, ever since we were in the bush in Alaska and we had only the food supplies we had brought with us to last for the year.  In that particular situation, reading recipes was strictly for entertainment as I had no means […]

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After the Solstice

The days are already longer, a whole minute perhaps!  It might a slight exaggeration to claim to be able to see the difference. Clear weather has returned and our solar panels will be able to produce sufficient energy to top up the batteries, a good thing since our generator is feeling puny.  We bought it […]

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Golden Raisins and Fennel Seeds

What do these two things have in common, you might wonder.  Well, I put them in a new Italian bread recipe that I experimented with today. This is a different flour mixture, based on millet flour.  It’s different too in that it uses no eggs, unlike a lot of the other gluten free bread recipes.  […]

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Almost the Solstice

Less than two weeks remain to the Winter Solstice, and the sunset is way to the south west of our front porch.  Sunsets are almost as dramatic but hidden behind the trees and very short lived this time of year. Less than a minute later the color intensified and spread across the sky. Still very […]

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Morning Sunshine at -8F (-22C)

I went out on the porch to take some winter morning pictures of the mountains, and I was warm without a coat until I calculated the temperature – I wasn’t cold until I saw -22C which seems a LOT colder than merely -8F. Winter!  We love this season.  Today I’m going to make some more […]

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December 5th Snowfall

Annoying as it may be sometimes, the weather forecasters got it right yesterday and they seem to have it right for the next few days.  We woke up to +7F for our low temperature, and tomorrow it is predicted to be around -6F.  That means our snow isn’t going to go away this time like […]

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December 2nd Moonset

Starting in early winter, like the beginning of December, when the air is clear and cold and the moon is full, the moonsets are beautiful.  I like it better when the whole world is white, but this will do in the meantime. We adjusted the angle on the solar panels to much steeper as the […]

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