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Monthly Archive for May, 2011

A Bear and Sunset

This morning Terry announced a bear was in the driveway.  Actually, the way she said it was ‘THERE IS A BEAR IN THE DRIVEWAY!!!” followed by scrambling around on her perch and generally carrying on.  Opal and Mishkin were both justifiably concerned by this announcement. While the bear was frozen with shock at the unfamiliar […]

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Late May Sunset

Weather plays such a huge part in sunsets, and this time of year we have nothing if not weather around here.  Today the high temperature is +44F, and it has been raining heavily. When this weather moved in, and before it socked in, misty rain was falling to the west. Sizing the full sized picture […]

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New Life Species

There are two schools of thought on birding, and the lines are drawn between those who keep a life list and those who do not.  We are in both camps, listing and just being outside watching birds, listening to them and seeing what they are up to.  Our recent birding trip added a new life […]

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First spring bear visitor

We’d seen evidence bears were up and around, but hadn’t seen one in our yard until yesterday.  We see bears around here, starting in May and this year is no exception. We were watching from the window next to Oro’s cage.  Oro had been watching the bear warily but quietly, until we showed up to […]

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Gardening Saga, or…

Spring Comes To Those Who Wait.   And wait. Our big project for this year is building a garden and a greenhouse.  The gravel pad for the greenhouse was the first step, since the heavy equipment operator would be here anyway removing some of the old garden posts and pulling out trees and bushes. Our friend […]

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