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Monthly Archive for April, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mishkin!

Mishkin is three years old now.  So I made him a hat.

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It was thirty years ago today…

We were standing in front of our bush cabin in Alaska, and it was spring. And thirty years later, we are standing in front of our house, and it is spring. Some things change, and some things remain the same.

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And the weather gods said…

It’s too early to think about gardening!!!  And don’t take that snowplow off the Ranger…. Then, a couple of hours later, with a fresh inch of snow on the ground, Dan headed outside to split some firewood, and we watched the temperature drop 9 degrees. Another couple of hours have passed, and it is still […]

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And, so it begins….

We are starting our major project for this year, a garden.  A garden and a greenhouse, to be precise, but we’re not working on the greenhouse part yet because we don’t know how we want to build it, just where. First thing we did was to tromp around in the snow a week ago and […]

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Sightseeing and Birdwatching

Two of our favorite things to do are sightseeing and birdwatching (and me being a passenger and letting Dan do all the work driving!), and combining them makes it even more fun.  Today we went for a drive, just to get out of the house and go see some new scenery now that the snow […]

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