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Monthly Archive for September, 2017

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

Yesterday was the Autumnal Equinox, and the sun sets in line with the middle window in our sunroom instead of way off to the north.  In three months it will set way off to the south.  Pretty neat watching the sun’s path arc across the western horizon. A chore we’ve been pretty much dreading having […]

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There are benefits to having a bear problem. Just ask this guy. We have a good sized black bear who simply won’t take no for an answer when it comes to the plum and pear trees next to the house. Middle of last week, Dan pissed this particular bear off by shooting him in the […]

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I scared a bear.

Walked into our bedroom to put something on the couch and surprised a black bear who was innocently standing next to the house, happily snacking on plums.  He didn’t like me mentioning that he was a bear.  This was the largest of the three black bears we have hanging around at the moment.  He had […]

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Comedy, Part II.

Or…  “What do deer and cats have in common?” Yesterday we harvested our cauliflower/broccoli Veronicas; one of which had gotten over-ripe and had gone to flowers. No worries, said I.  I’ll give it to the deer to munch on because I’m sure they would love it, being a vegetable and all. So I tossed said […]

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No pictues but thought I’d describe some interspecies communication from yesterday. A male Ruffed Grouse was standing at the end of the sidewalk closest to the garage and greenhouse, all fluffed up. Other than the display of toughness, he was standing perfectly still. We thought perhaps he was displaying to a hen, but sort of […]

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Just busy.

Been busy lately, reorganizing the house, buying a new bed and moving the one we had been using into the room which was formerly the birds’ room, and moving the birds into the sunroom. All of which sounds simple but entailed a lot of work and a lot of re-arranging furniture, and finding a new […]

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