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Monthly Archive for May, 2012

Waiting for warmer weather

We have some baby plants growing in peat pots, no ‘real’ leaves yet, just their seedling leaves are showing.  Rainy weather and cool means they don’t get to go outside quite yet.  We have some plants from the nursery this year (next year we hope to plant our own seeds for tomato and pepper varieties, […]

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Sunday Birdwatching Trip

A beautiful day to head south for a day trip, picnic, and see what new birds have migrated this way. I still remember the first time I ever saw these.  We were driving past a field of corn stubble when the entire field rose into the air, hundreds of Yellow-headed Blackbirds swirling around, flashing yellow, […]

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Garden walkway completed

The concrete paver walkway in the center of the garden is completed, except for cleaning off the pavers and brushing in the paver sand which fills the joints and locks everything in place.  Maybe today while the contractor is here I’ll go do that. This is actually a good thing, to have this slope running […]

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