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Category Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Sewing project finished.

So that’s done! My only sewing project for the year. Sewing is just not my thing. It’s great when a plan comes together. On to the next project, one that involves paint.

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Finished building.

The contractors are done with the building and the electrical installation, which were the only two components of the garage. Now we have to wait for two inspections, and the power company to hook up the power to the garage. Also we need to put some gravel in front of the garage door to bring […]

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Why do bunnies get the blame??

Finally started making the cushions for the window seat. It’s been occupying dreams for a while, and I have a plan, so now I get to see if the plan works. Plan A First I cut the foam into three pieces and I started working on the largest piece first. Smaller piece would have been […]

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Strawberries and Raspberries.

Picked another batch of strawberries today, most of which were destined for freezing. One batch will be dessert tonight. And I solved a problem of having run out of chocolate covered strawberries (again). This is an on-going problem. I had set aside six of the largest for their highest and best use. Finished a knitting […]

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Framing is complete.

The construction framing is done and the garage is dried in! Given the number of garage buildings we see in this county that are in this exact condition, technically we could be done. But we aren’t; we are probably setting a bad example. Next week the electrician will be here and we’ll have power to […]

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Seeing red.

Yesterday we had to go to Home Depot to get things needed to complete the garage construction, and we also stopped at our favorite orchard to pick up a box of pie cherries and raspberries since our own pie cherry tree didn’t set any fruit this year (being still a tiny baby tree), and our […]

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The roofing trusses were delivered and installed in place, awaiting plywood sheathing and then the waterproof covering and the metal roofing on top of that. That will be a major step forward, as the garage will be dried in. Since we’re not insulating the garage this point, it doesn’t really matter having air flow, but […]

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Framing is complete.

The garage framing is done. It’s a simple building, four exterior walls and one interior wall separating the garage from the storage room, two personnel doors, two windows, and a garage door. Very simple. These materials sat in the yard for over a week, waiting for the concrete to dry. Watching concrete drying is a […]

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Yesterday was a momentous day!

Who knew! Our first strawberries were ready to be picked!! And it was only the middle of June. And the flour I ran out of also arrived today, in time to make a cake for the strawberries to sit on. So exciting. We’ll have a regular amount of strawberries from now until the middle of […]

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New project under way.

The garage project has begun, and on Wednesday the concrete will be poured. A whole lot of work has gone into getting the form created and ready for concrete. They used a laser level to get everything nice and flat. Very exciting seeing it at this point in its existence. We also got the new […]

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