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Monthly Archive for April, 2012

Gardening progress

Today we spread most of the landscaping cloth and almost all the bags of bark mulch.  Roughly three fourths of the garden has been mulched now.  The kids were back today and they did so much work, it was simply amazing. Strawberry plants are set in the first bed in this picture, and in the […]

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Ant Work

The excavator driver called this morning and said he would be here at 10 am or a bit later.  So when he showed up at 9:30 am, we weren’t exactly ready.  Didn’t take long to throw on jeans, heavy shirt, and hat. Dan hauled loads down to the garden site; the heavy equipment dumped it […]

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Spring means three things….

Friday morning, bright and early, we woke up to a Great Gray Owl sitting on our garden fence.  Looking for mices.  Good birdie!!!! The first thing Spring means is birdwatching.  Yesterday we took a drive down to the southern edge of the county in which we live (we’re at the far northern border).  Saw a […]

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Spring sunset

The stormy weather we’ve had so far this month has given us some really pretty skies right as the sun dips below the horizon. The temperatures keep dropping down in the low to mid 20’s, and then into the 40’s during the day, to go with rain and snow, depending on the time of day. […]

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