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Monthly Archive for January, 2009

Snowy Sunset

A couple of evenings ago, we had a very nice sunset, all pastels.  And I actually went outside to take a picture of it instead of being lazy and sitting on the couch merely admiring the view. Other than the usual things around here, splitting firewood, cooking, working on the computer, and vegging out watching […]

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House pictures

I wish I liked to exercise more, but I don’t care for that activity very much. Sad, eh? Tragic even? The results will be good if I can continue to make myself do it at least on a periodic basis. It is really bright sunshine today, and I dropped the blinds so that I can […]

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Late January Sunrise

Winter is hanging on, and the days are getting longer so spring is definitely just around the corner.  Already it is light by 7 am, and the sun doesn’t set until almost 5 pm.  The temperatures are very cold, -8F this morning (-22.2C). It was cold enough outside that I didn’t hang out on the […]

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Pizza Time! Who needs delivery?

Homemade pizza is no big deal, but a good pizza that doesn’t use gluten or lactose, that’s a bigger challenge.    I found a great crust recipe online, and combined it with my favorite sauce. First thing to do is to make the sauce.  Open a 15 ounce can of a good quality organic tomato sauce, […]

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Sparkles on the world

The snow in front of our deck and down the hill is smooth and deep.  But the really neat thing about it is the layers of ice crystals on top of the snow, laid down by the freezing fog.  Today we have very bright sunshine and it is making little rainbows on the ice crystals. […]

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Miscellaneous Winter Pictures

Our driveway is challenging to negotiate at the moment, and will no doubt remain challenging for the next couple of months, probably into the first week or so of April.  There simply isn’t anyplace left to push the snow out of the way.   Fortunately, both of our cars can go in and out without too […]

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More Frosty Vistas

This first picture is basically the view from our bedroom windows.   It looks like a fairy land right now and when the leaves are out, only a few months from now which is completely hard to imagine, it is layers and shades of green.  We may add some flowering bushes along the edges of the […]

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Successful Hunter

Doesn’t he or she look fierce? This Pygmy Owl is smaller than its prey, a female Hairy Woodpecker who obviously wasn’t paying attention this morning. Dan heard a Flicker just having a fit about something, and went outside to look, and discovered this life and death drama being played out.

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A world made of glass

Freezing fog over the past couple of days has transformed the woods into a world made of ice crystals. Every twig and needle is coated with ice crystals. This is such an ephemeral landscape. Inside the house things are much more down to earth. I am going to play with some new gluten free bread […]

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London Calling

Not that I’ve ever been to London, but the fog today was a real pea-souper, and below freezing temperatures have coated everything with ice. The front deck is nice and shiny. We are in our own little world, literally today instead of merely figuratively. The last snowfall still lingers on the branches. And we had […]

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