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Monthly Archive for May, 2017

Garden planting is finished!

Saturday we finished planting the greenhouse. We planted a couple of varieties of Anaheim style peppers, Jalapeno peppers, bell peppers, tomatoes, basil, carrots, beets, lettuce, swiss chard, spinach, and slicing cucumbers. The herb bed is doing well, except for the oregano plant which didn’t survive the winter. Dan dug that up the oregano plant I […]

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Miscellaneous Goings-on

The outside of the windows are clean (at the moment), and I’ve been taking some pictures of birds out the window. Pretty soon, a couple of weeks, there will be fawns tottering around on spindly legs after their moms. I’ll see if I can get some good pictures of this years’ babies. It’s that time […]

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Malheur 2017

It’s been a couple of years since we went down there, since the thimble-brained yahoos staged their occupation. Our friend Brandon wanted to get a “we survived the occupation” shirt or cup at headquarters, but they didn’t have one. Probably too soon to see the humor in that utterly moronic event. Malheur is our favorite […]

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