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Monthly Archive for April, 2013

Forecast is for a chance of snow overnight once again.  At least it goes away during the day. April 15th Mish was five years old.  He celebrated as only a cat can. Yesterday we picked up our new car.  We traded in our two other Subaru vehicles for various reasons, and purchased a new Subaru.  […]

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Still Snowing

Fortunately it melts during the day (mostly all melted from yesterday), but we woke up to a white world again, and it’s still coming down. I think I’ll do some baking today.  Another good day to hibernate.

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I Was Bored – Spring Doldrums

Waiting for snow to melt is about as exciting as waiting for aspen leaves to turn gold.  When it happens, THAT’S exciting.  But getting there is tedious.  This explains the lack of posts recently.  Doing nothing new isn’t very interesting to read about. So… gradually the snows melted, and everything looks brown, grass, hillsides, trees, […]

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