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Monthly Archive for July, 2013

Full Moon and Berries

This last week the full moon setting was really pretty, and seemed very large in the sky.  I was awake very early to take this picture. We’ve been spending a lot of time playing with the garden, harvesting things and preserving what we don’t want to eat fresh.  Especially berries.  Lots of berries have gone […]

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Spice Geology

Today I fixed a batch of vegan Italian Sausage and my favorite part of that whole process has got to be preparing the spice mixture. I almost hate to shake up the spice bottle and mix it all together.  It’s so pretty and looks like layers of rock. Today was a cooking day.  Yesterday we […]

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Peas and Chard

For lunch today we harvested our first batch of peas as well as taking some of the larger leaves off the Swiss Chard plants. I kept eating fresh ones as we were shelling them.   The first planting of peas is done blooming and we picked roughly half of the pods on the plants.  The others […]

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Strawberry Jam

There were enough ripe strawberries today to have enough for a batch of jam. I really didn’t think we’d get enough to do that, but wonders never cease. I like to make jam the old-fashioned way, without pectin, just slowly cooked and reduced to the proper thickness.  Since I don’t use pectin I can use […]

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Wood Elves

They arrived over the weekend and then we needed to call in reinforcements. They already took care of the first cord. This winter the plan is we’ll have to do minimal splitting, just cart it in the wheelbarrow up to the house. Will be a luxury and less wear and tear on us.

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We should be able to pick a similar number of berries every other day for the rest of the summer. They are small but very sweet. Next year we might replace the plants with June bearers so we get a whole bunch at once. Haven’t decided. These are so good.

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