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Monthly Archive for May, 2023

Bird Watching.

Yesterday we took a drive down the San Poil River to look for birds, in particular Yellow-breasted Chat, White-headed Woodpecker, Common Loon, Bullock’s Orioles, Canyon Wren and Rock Wren, as well as anybody else that might make an appearance. Basically we went from the very top of Ferry County in the north to the very […]

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Just being able to have something fresh from the garden is so wonderful! Toasted some of our homemade bread, add tobasco sauce. And breakfast is served. Wish you were here. Then I made cookies. And I’m making a batch of cheese cushions. The rolls are rising in the oven at the moment. It will be […]

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Cool storm clouds.

Yesterday evenings storm clouds that got all ruffled came over the mountains to the west. Whew. Mish was tired of having to cower under the covers of our bed. He’s spent hours hiding in there, lately. He’s a fair weather kitty with no appreciation for the beauty of cloud formations.

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Gardening Progress

It’s only the 23rd of May and everything is planted in the garden. Only a couple of things haven’t come up yet – basil seeds and rosemary seeds have yet to germinate. Even the corn is starting to come up!! That’s exciting. So today was all about the weeds. The potato plants were completely covered […]

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