Feed on

Twenty bags of bark fit into a Subaru Outback.  This is a little known fact.  Not sure anybody will care but there you go.

We got home, had some lunch, and went to work.  First I spread out some landscaping ground cloth around the plants to the right of the front door.  No all the area got covered with ground cloth but I used all we had and it made tromping around in the dirt a lot cleaner.

The plant that looked the happiest with mulch is the rhododendron.

The plant that looked the happiest with mulch is the rhododendron.

The ferns are small and I cut a small hole in the landscape ground cloth and pulled them through.  They will appreciate having cool roots and moist ground.  They are in the darkest corner and they will most likely fill up the whole corner and then die down over the winter.  They are right in the path of snow sliding off the roof.

Small ferns are hiding in the corner.

Small ferns are hiding in the corner.

The flower bed to the right of the front door is only about half covered with the bark; the other half is still in its original wild state.

The new flowering plants will grow a lot over the summer, hopefully.

The new flowering plants will grow a lot over the summer, hopefully.

It was a beautiful day for working outside, temperatures hovering around 75F (+23C), totally clear skies.  We set up some chairs in the shade after we were done working and watched the hummingbird riot.

Yet another house picture.

Yet another house picture.

Now it is time for a shower and then some relaxing, watching a movie and knitting.  The hummingbirds have gone through 4 cups of sugar water so far today.  I imagine we will have to refill all three feeders once more before we retire for the evening.  Ah….  Sumertime!

No Responses to “Twenty Bags of Bark Later…”

  1. Scooby says:

    “In the summer time when the weather is high”………. Ya know! 75 degrees is a virtual heat wave way up there! Ha. Enjoy a good movie!

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