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Our early warning sound system told us of an early day visitor out by the garage.  I’m speaking of our macaw, who absolutely does not approve of bears.  She has a distinctive and extremely loud alarm call that she makes when there is a bear within eyesight; considering how good her eyesight is, this can be outside of the garage or across the valley on the hillside a mile away.  This time she was right, it was close to the house, and the earliest we’ve seen a bear after the snow melts.  It seems to us we normally don’t see a bear here until early June.

"What is making that noise????"  You can see this written all over his face.

"What is making that noise????" You can see this written all over his face.

We get this look on the faces of a lot of wildlife because our parrots do raise a fuss when something they disapprove of it outside the house.  I took this picture through a window next to Oro’s cage as I knew if I went outside the house I might be lucky enough to get a picture of the back end of the bear as it disappeared around the corner of the garage.  While I was grabbing a camera, Dan was grabbing a BB-gun; he has “bagged” many a bear, brown bears and black bears alike, with his trusty BB-gun.  He would dearly love to add a Polar bear to his trophy list but fortunately he hasn’t announced this plan when we cross the border into Canada as they would probably lock him up in one country or another.

My theory is the bear heard about our pantry remodeling and wanted to come take a peek.

Refrigerator and freezer will be to the left of the door, and a 4-shelf wire rack will be straight ahead.

Refrigerator and freezer will be to the left of the door, and a 4-shelf wire rack will be straight ahead.

Deeper and wider six shelf wire brackets will be on either side of the stairs in the lower pantry.

Deeper and wider six shelf wire brackets will be on either side of the stairs in the lower pantry.

The painting is all done and today our project is to put in the laminate flooring and floor trim.  Then we can move the appliances out of the middle of the kitchen floor and put the table back where it belongs.  Dan will put in the outlets and light fixtures after the floor is done, and then put up the wire shelves.  Last but not least will be putting the casing around the window.  Because the wall is log construction, the depth of the windowsill requires a ten inch wide board, and the lumber yard we went to a couple of days ago didn’t have anything that wide.  We’ll have to make a trip to Spokane to find this.

A smart kitty disappears when the macaw alarm call goes off.

A smart kitty disappears when the macaw alarm call goes off.

Mishkin has gotten adept at disappearing fast when Terry makes her alarm call.  He won’t come down from his bedroom until all is quiet, and then he looks around intently for a while to see if whatever-it-was comes back.  He doesn’t want to know exactly whatever-it-was, he prefers to be long gone before he finds out that sort of information.  He’s a need to know cat, and he doesn’t think he really needs to know.  Interspecies communication is so interesting to watch.

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