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Monthly Archive for October, 2011

More winter chores completed

The last load of firewood was delivered on Sunday evening, and we stacked it. Theoretically we have nine cords for the winter, but we purchased six cords, so maybe it just isn’t stacked so well as we would like. Or this is new math. I can’t add to 13 so this shouldn’t be a surprise. […]

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October 29th Sunset

Last night we were treated to a really spectacular sunset, just as the firewood guy brought up a load of firewood.  Which reminds me, we need to stack that away today.  Just one more full load of firewood and we’ll have the woodshed stocked up for the coming winter. It was funny, we drove to […]

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Preparing for winter

We are going to put snowtires on the winter vehicle, our Outback, this weekend.  This means we’ll be parking the sedan for the duration, and being able to take it out for a drive again next spring will be something to look forward to all winter long. We bought a stationary bike this week, and […]

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Aspens – October 26th

Thus concludes this season of Aspen Watch. Wind yesterday and almost all trees lost their leaves, just a few remaining on the western edge of the grove where the winds didn’t catch them.

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Aspens – October 24th

Looking west… see? That’s snow falling!!! That’s not very far away, and it’s not here, but we can see it from here. So I turned around and looked to the east instead. In a month from now, it will be white outside our house.  Perhaps by then I’ll be used to the idea!

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Aspens – October 23rd

The Aspen trees still hang on to the majority of their leaves, but some are starting to fall on the gravel driveway. We drove down to the river today, to see how the fall colors are coming along. This one is going to take months to complete.  Much fun! The other thing we did today […]

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Aspens – October 21st


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Aspens – October 18th

Finally, they are starting to turn. Another day or two before they reach their peak of color. It would be neat if the leaves held onto the trees for a while, but once they are at their brightest yellow, winds, even gentle winds, come into play.  And play the leaves do, dancing on the wind, […]

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Aspens – October 16th

Aspen-watch continues.   Today we built a wire fence around the Rhododendron by the front door.  That will keep the deer from munching all the leaves that grew back this summer.  And then hopefully next spring we’ll have a bunch of pretty flowers.  Another pre-winter chore is off the list!

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Aspens – October 14-15

We finally had our first killing frost, a low of 26F. That is going to have an impact on the trees. It has definitely had an impact on how many fires we have to build in the stoves. We woke up to clear skies and cold temperatures.  I think we’ve seen the very last of […]

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