It took the whole five gallon bucket of floor adhesive for the first half of the floor, due mainly to the extremely rough and uneven concrete surface the tile is being laid on, but the first four boxes of tile are now residing in their permanent home.

Two pieces of plywood enable us to walk around on the tiles in their half-way finished state of being.
This was a first for me. I’ve laid tile on small surfaces like a bathroom countertop, but never tried a floor before. I hope I can walk tomorrow 🙂
We have to get more floor adhesive, and a couple of buckets for the grout process which won’t happen until Thursday. We want the tiles to be well and truly stuck to the floor before we go any further. Dan will be getting a plumber lined up (hopefully!) and next week we’ll have the water filter installed.
Our plan is to finish the 2nd half of the flooring next weekend. It should go a little easier, not so many weird cuts and angles, though the walls in that part of the room are even more out of square than the other.