First a sunset. Last night we had rock and roll thunderstorms. One bolt hit just uphill from the house, around a second between the flash and the kaboom. Mishkin leaped off the couch and ran to the sliding glass doors to look outside. We’ve never seen a cat that wasn’t afraid of thunder and lightning, but we have one!

Between bands of clouds, and sheets of rain, the sun made a brief appearance.
Today I indulged Mishkin in one of his favorite games… wrestling.

He loves this game, and tries to put his whole head under my hand for the dreaded Aliens face hold.

After the face hold, then the real fun begins, he holds on to my hand and kicks with his back feet.

While he looks fierce, he isn't biting or using claws on his front or back feet.
We both play this game with him several times a day. He loves this one almost as much as “chase the cat.”
Sure wish I could teach Hunter to be that nice!!!